新宿西口駅前の中央部分に大きく穴が開いたコンクリートの建物。地下の西口広場や地下街の換気口です。今は蔦などの植物で覆われていますが、周囲の階段外壁とお揃いのタイルでした。現在も続く「スーパー戦隊シリーズ」の第一作「ゴレンジャー」の秘密基地のロケ地として換気口が登場していました。 小田急百貨店 新宿店本館が、2022年10月2日をもって営業終了し解体工事中。
Shinjuku Station West Exit Ventilation Exit 1984⇔2021⇔2024
Concrete building with a large hole in the center in front of Shinjuku West Exit Station. It is a ventilation opening for the underground west exit plaza and underground shopping mall. It is now covered with ivy and other plants, but it had matching tiles with the surrounding staircase exterior walls. The west exit ventilation entrance was the location for the secret base of the first “Goranger” in the “Super Sentai” series, which continues to this day. Odakyu Department Store Shinjuku Main Building will close for business on October 2, 2022 and is currently under demolition. In February 2024, the upper part of the main building of Odakyu Department Store will be demolished and the view will extend to the Shinjuku Toho Building in Kabukicho at the east exit.On the site of the Shinjuku main store, a 48-story, 260-meter-high skyscraper is planned, with office functions in the upper floors and commercial functions that provide new customer experiences in the middle and lower floors.’ Construction is scheduled to begin in October 2010 or later and be completed in fiscal year ’29. Will the west ventilation exit remain?


「東京タイムスリップ1984⇔2021」7刷 「東京DEEPタイムスリップ1984⇔2022」4刷
累計 3万8000部突破!
ヨドバシドットコム 第1位(写真集)
フォロワー2.7万!インスタグラム tokyo_timeslip

vol. 8 近代型都市へと変貌
デジタルカメラマガジン 2024年3月号は2/20発売です。

「Tokyo changes fast, and Yoshimoto now finds himself a documentarian of the ages.」
Tokyo then and now: Photographer documents four decades of change | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News
累計3万8000部突破!どちらもロングセラーとなり嬉しいです。 ありがとうございます。
The first book has been in print for 2year 9months (7 printings) since its release in May 2021, and the second book has been in print for1year 11 months (4 printings) since its release in March 2022.
We are happy that both have become long sellers, with a total of over 36,500 copies sold. Thank you very much.
フォロワー27,800人!インスタグラム tokyo_timeslip