歌舞伎町 スカラ座 1984⇔2020



Kabukicho Scalaza 1984⇔2020
This is the music cafe “Scalaza” in Shinjuku Kabukicho around 1984. The building of the music cafe “Ojo” can be seen in the back. Part of the building of Ojo still remains. Scala-za opened in 1954. The two-story, ivy-covered cafe was a favorite of many regular customers, but due to the aging of the building, it was sadly closed at the end of December 2002. At the time of its opening, entertainment was scarce, and listening to classical music on good speakers was a pastime. The cafe was so popular that customers who could not sit in the full house would sit on the store’s stairs and listen to the music.

NHK WORLD-JAPAN News 2023.3.15

本日、放送されました NHK WORLD-JAPAN「 Photographer Hunts for History in Tokyo」動画が、NHKワールドのウェブサイトで公開されました。お仕事中でご試聴できなかったは是非!

Photographer Hunts for History in Tokyo

A Tokyo photographer is taking a trip back in time through his own images. He started taking snapshots of everyday scenes from Japan’s capital in 1984. Now, his pictures are attracting attention and revealing what’s changed. NHK World’s Yamamoto Saori shares his story.


 東京の写真家が、自分の写真を通して時間をさかのぼります。  1984年より東京の日常風景をスナップ写真で撮り始める。今、その変化を捉えた写真が注目を集めている。  NHKワールドの山本沙織さんが語る。

NHK World-JAPAN web記事2月に最も読まれた記事に選ばれました!
NHK World-JAPAN Selected as the most read article in February! It was a featured article, so we had a deep digging TV coverage! An interview with Kiichiro Yoshimoto, along with the scenery of walking around the southeast exit of Shinjuku and Shibuya will be broadcast! NHK World “Asia24” is scheduled from 15:00 on March 15 (Wednesday).

「Tokyo changes fast, and Yoshimoto now finds himself a documentarian of the ages.」
Tokyo then and now: Photographer documents four decades of change | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News

「東京タイムスリップ1984⇔2021」7刷      「東京DEEPタイムスリップ1984⇔2022」3刷

変化を続ける街 東京
この先 東京にどんな景色を

累計 3万部超
ヨドバシドットコム 第1位(写真集)

The first work “Tokyo Time Slip 1984 ⇔ 2021” (Kawade Shobo Shinsha) 7th edition!
Second work “Tokyo DEEP Time Slip 1984 ⇔ 2022” (Kawade Shobo Shinsha) 3rd edition!
Cumulative over 30,000 copies
Kinokuniya Bookstore Best Seller No. 1 (art photo book)
Yodobashi.com No. 1 (Photobook)
Amazon Best Seller No. 1 (Photographer’s Book)

累計3万部超、どちらもロングセラーとなり嬉しいです。 ありがとうございます。

The first book has been in print for 1 year and 8 months (7 printings) since its release in May 2021, and the second book has been in print for 10 months (3 printings) since its release in March 2022.
We are happy that both have become long sellers, with a total of over 30,000 copies sold. Thank you very much.

フォロワー26,000人!インスタグラム tokyo_timeslip 
