東京駅丸の内 靴磨き職人1984⇔2023



Tokyo Station Marunouchi Shoe Polisher 1984⇔2023
Over half a century ! Shoe shiner Kenji Pablo is the only person in Tokyo Station who is allowed to open a shop at this location. During the post-war reconstruction period, shoeshine craftsmen were given special permission to operate on the street, but since then, new registrations have been disallowed. The shoeshine business was started by his parents after the war ended, and Pablo worked with them since he graduated from high school. Pablo also has a face as a painter. He has a career of more than 50 years along with his shoe polishing career, and is also a professional painter who has held solo exhibitions at department stores. It seems that there are times when the shoeshine is closed for painting, but it seems to be open from around noon on sunny days.There are many fans who say that if Pablo polishes your shoes, your shoes will be reborn.

NHK World Newsのウェブ記事が公開されました!
Tokyo then and now: Photographer documents four decades of change | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News

NHK World News just published a web article!
I am glad that you introduced them to the world.
Please take a look!

「東京タイムスリップ1984⇔2021」7刷      「東京DEEPタイムスリップ1984⇔2022」3刷

変化を続ける街 東京
この先 東京にどんな景色を

累計 3万部超
ヨドバシドットコム 第1位(写真集)

The first work “Tokyo Time Slip 1984 ⇔ 2021” (Kawade Shobo Shinsha) 7th edition!
Second work “Tokyo DEEP Time Slip 1984 ⇔ 2022” (Kawade Shobo Shinsha) 3rd edition!
Cumulative over 30,000 copies
Kinokuniya Bookstore Best Seller No. 1 (art photo book)
Yodobashi.com No. 1 (Photobook)
Amazon Best Seller No. 1 (Photographer’s Book)

累計3万部超、どちらもロングセラーとなり嬉しいです。 ありがとうございます。

The first book has been in print for 1 year and 8 months (7 printings) since its release in May 2021, and the second book has been in print for 10 months (3 printings) since its release in March 2022.
We are happy that both have become long sellers, with a total of over 30,000 copies sold. Thank you very much.

フォロワー26,000人!インスタグラム tokyo_timeslip 
