下に広がるのが五反田「新開地」と呼ばれた飲食店街。「新開地」は戦後の焼跡に並ぶ飲食店街。再開発に際してそこに出店していた約50店舗余りの店がそのまま「リバーライトビル」(竣工1987年)内に出店し飲食店街を形成したという歴史があります。そのため、昭和を感じる渋い店が並び、その雰囲気を持ち続けています。現在は通称 “五反田ヒルズ”と呼ばれ、知る人ぞ知る五反田屈指のグルメビルといわれる人気スポットです。
Gotanda Station platform on the Ikegami Line around 1984.
The restaurant district called “Shinkaichi” in Gotanda spreads out below.
“Shinkaichi” is a restaurant district lined with postwar burns. There is a history that about 50 stores that were opened there during redevelopment opened in the “River Light Building” (completed in 1987) and formed a restaurant district. Therefore, the astringent shops that feel the Showa era are lined up and continue to have that atmosphere. Nowadays, it is commonly known as “Gotanda Hills”, and it is a popular spot that is said to be one of the best gourmet buildings in Gotanda known to those in the know.