何かと話題の「RAYARD MIYASHITAPARK」 ミヤシタパークです。
This is Shibuya Miyashita Park in 1983.
This is the much-talked-about “RAYARD MIYASHITAPARK” Miyashita Park.
Miyashita Park was located on a long, narrow strip of land surrounded by the railroad tracks between Shibuya and Harajuku on the Yamanote Line and Meiji Street. The park was on artificial ground raised to about the same height as the nearby railroad embankment, and the lower first floor was a parking lot.The photo was taken from the side of the Tokyo Children’s Hall, which existed at that time. The name “Miyashita” was given to the area at the bottom of the hill because the Nashimoto Palace was located where the Children’s Hall was located.