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(店内撮影 掲載許諾済み)
Tokyo DEEP Time Slip 1984⇔2022″ (Kawade Shobo Shinsha)
When I took this photo in 1984, I didn’t even think about it. 37 years later, in the year 2020, I never thought that it would be interesting to take a photo of the same place from the same position and angle today and compare them. Would I have thought of that? When I posted the photos on Instagram, I received responses from all over the world.
The photos have been reborn as a photo book. I have such a deep feeling. The previous book, “Tokyo Time Slip 1984⇔2021,” was picked up by many media outlets, and by the end of 2021, it was in its fifth printing, with a total circulation of over 10,000 copies in the seven months since its release. I am glad that I have been doing “photography” for 40 years, and it is a great honor to be a photographer.
It was a great encouragement for me in the future.
I hope you will also take a look at my second photo book, “Tokyo DEEP Time Slip 1984 ⇔ 2022.
新旧をフォトシークエンス(連続)として提示することのおもしろさ、楽しさ。1984年の撮影当時、そんなことは気にもかけていませんでした。37年後の2020 年、同じ場所を現在の同位置・同角度から撮影して比較できたら面白いかも、なんて思いつくとは、当時の私は考えたでしょうか? インスタグラムで公開すると世界中から反響がありました。
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