Hara Museum of Contemporary Art (Shinagawa) 1984⇔2021
Since its opening in 1979, the Hara Museum of Contemporary Art has been a driving force in the Japanese contemporary art scene for 40 years. The Hara Museum has hosted many exhibitions by photographers such as Nobuyoshi Araki, Kishin Shinoyama, Mika Ninagawa, Keiichi Tahara, Eiichiro Sakata, Hiroshi Sugimoto, and Tomoko Yoneda. The exhibition (installation) that took advantage of the characteristics of the building, which was a former private home, was interesting and attractive, different from exhibitions at existing museums. The building is surrounded by trees, and the cafe overlooking the garden was also enjoyable. Due to the aging of the building, the museum will be closed in January 2021 and destined for demolition. The aging of the building = its refinement over time was one of the attractions that drew many visitors. The Hara Museum of Contemporary Art has been actively featuring contemporary art, and the scene of the demolition may be exactly the kind of contemporary art that reflects today’s world. This is the harsh reality of the choice to demolish even a cultural property-grade building.
For the works in the collection, we went to the Hara Museum ARC (formerly the Hara Museum ARC) in Shibukawa City, Gunma Prefecture.
The public telephone just inside the main gate is Keith Sonnier’s contemporary art work “Esceypole I.” To the left of the telephone is a cathode-ray tube television. (Produced in 1982)
(It is a cut not published in the photo book.)
原美術館(品川) 1984⇔2021
1979年に開館して以来、40年にわたって日本の現代美術シーンを牽引してきた原美術館。荒木経惟、篠山紀信、蜷川実花、田原桂一、坂田栄一郎、杉本博、米田知子、と写真家の展覧会も多く開催された美術館です。元個人宅という建物の特徴を活かした展示(インスタレーション)は、既存の美術館での展示とは異り面白く魅力的でした。木々に囲まれた建物、庭を望むカフェも楽しめました。建物の老朽化などの為、2021年1月に閉館され解体の運命に。建物の老朽化=時を経て磨かれてゆく姿が多くの来館者を引き寄せる魅力のひとつでもあった。現代アートを積極的に取り上げてきた原美術館、取り壊されてしまった光景こそまさに、現在の世の中を反映した現代アートと言えるのかもしれない。文化財級の建物でも解体という選択となった厳しい現実そのものです。収蔵作品は群馬県渋川市の「原美術館ARC」(元ハラ ミュージアム アーク)へ。
The urge to destroy is also a creative urge. Pablo Picasso
東京タイムスリップ1984⇔2021: Tokyo Time Slip 1984⇔2021

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