
なんと!郷土料理「くらわんか」の垂れ幕看板が同じ場所に!非常階段は防護壁で覆われていますが、1984年当時と同じ建物(大安ビル 1974年竣工)のようです。1986年3年国鉄埼京線運行区間が延伸され、「あずさ」が停まっている第一ホーム(現1・2番線)を使用開始し既存ホームの番線がずれる。その後、甲州街道跨線橋架け替え工事や、東南口、南口の一帯の整備により新宿駅は大きく変わりました。現在1〜6番線は他のホームと比べると南に位置しています。
Shinjuku Station Platform 1 “Azusa” 1984⇔2023
Hit song “Azusa No. 2” of “Hunter”. Shinjuku Station Platform 1, where the famous phrase “Azusa No. 2 at 8 o’clock” stops. The sky is wide open!
Oh my God! The banner signboard of the local cuisine “Kurawanka” is in the same place! The emergency staircase is covered with a protective wall, but it seems to be the same building as in 1984 (Daian Building completed in 1974). In 1986, the operation section of the JNR Saikyo Line was extended, and the No. 1 platform (currently Platforms 1 and 2) where ‘Azusa’ was parked began to be used, and the number of the existing platform was shifted. After that, Shinjuku Station underwent major changes due to construction work to replace the overpass on the Koshu Highway and the development of the area around the southeast and south exits. Platforms 1 to 6 are currently located south of the other platforms.

「東京タイムスリップ1984⇔2021」7刷 「東京DEEPタイムスリップ1984⇔2022」3刷
変化を続ける街 東京
この先 東京にどんな景色を
累計 3万部超
ヨドバシドットコム 第1位(写真集)
The first work “Tokyo Time Slip 1984 ⇔ 2021” (Kawade Shobo Shinsha) 7th edition!
Second work “Tokyo DEEP Time Slip 1984 ⇔ 2022” (Kawade Shobo Shinsha) 3rd edition!
Cumulative over 30,000 copies
Kinokuniya Bookstore Best Seller No. 1 (art photo book)
Yodobashi.com No. 1 (Photobook)
Amazon Best Seller No. 1 (Photographer’s Book)
累計3万部超、どちらもロングセラーとなり嬉しいです。 ありがとうございます。
The first book has been in print for 1 year and 8 months (7 printings) since its release in May 2021, and the second book has been in print for 10 months (3 printings) since its release in March 2022.
We are happy that both have become long sellers, with a total of over 30,000 copies sold. Thank you very much.
フォロワー26,000人!インスタグラム tokyo_timeslip